Autumn Equinox All Night Gong Puja - 21st - 22nd September


Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd September

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Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd September

Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd September

Experience an extraordinary journey into and around sacred sound on the Autumn Equinox All Night Soundjourney on Saturday 21st September. We start at 19:00 and journey into Sunday sunrise. A night of lucid dreaming and profound connection.

A beautiful team of sound therapists playing through the night and cold water swimming in the morning for those brave enough. We start at 19.00 ~ the Puja starts at 21.00 and we play till sunrise

This year in addition to the 9 hours of Fitbit verified Deep Rest and the usual world famous seed bar snacks we are offering:
Nourishing soup in the evening, and a light cooked breakfast with home produced eggs in the morning.

Immerse yourself in an ocean of sacred sound from the Giant 62" Cosmos Gong along with a range of planetary gongs, Crystal and Himalayan bowls, and other primal sound instruments. Let go, surrender, and recharge in a space of deep vibrations that will leave you refreshed and energized.

Event Schedule:

Opening Ceremony (19:00 – 21:00): We gather around the fire to share a herbal tea from the land designed to encourage the lucid dream state. Set powerful intentions and bring focus . This followed by a movement workshop to prepare for the night of dreaming. We break at 9; time to make your nest and get that onesie on.

Sound Immersion (21:30 – Sunrise 06:00): Experience 9 hours of continuous sound weaving from gongs, singing bowls, and more. Let the harmonics and vibrations guide you on a transformative journey. After sunrise, embrace a period of silence for reflection.

Morning Reflection and Sharing (Sunday 07:15 – 10:00): Enjoy breakfast and an opportunity to share your experiences.

What to Bring:

Bring an inflatable mattress, futon, or similar bedding for a comfortable night's rest on the hall floor. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and pack your quilt, pillows, and pyjamas. Prioritize comfort over speed in setting up your sleeping nest.

Benefits of Sound Journey:

The gongs and singing bowls induce the Theta State, reducing stress, blood pressure, and promoting immune system stimulation. A brief Theta relaxation is equivalent to hours of sleep. Harmonize, purify, and elevate your awareness.

Relax, release, lucid dream, let go and surrender to the vibrations. Re-charge and leave feeling refreshed, liberated and energised. Numbers are strictly limited.


No prior experience required in sound-journeying or meditation. Doors open at 18:00 and close at 18:30; please ensure timely arrival. Concessions available for specific groups; inquire for details.

Feedback from Previous Participants:

"Participation exercises were enjoyable, left me serene for days."

"An amazing experience that made me feel loved and free."

"Incredibly healing sound vibrations, a sense of union with others."

"Loved the integrative games, yoga, and the entire night."

For more details and bookings, contact Roger Gong via Facebook or Instagram. Please don't use Eventbrite for contact, as email addresses can get scrambled.

Private location in Hockley. Address details will be sent prior to the event.

Donation: The #allnightgong event continues to evolve. Much has changed in our lives in recent times and the demand for this kind of happening is higher than ever; it's beautiful to witness the rise in number of similar gatherings, providing an array of options to choose from. As the realm of sound medicine grows; many of the new practitioners treat what they do as a business and the prices for some of the events are quite staggering all things considered.

In contrast, our event goes the extra mile. Now in its 7th year, we provide nourishment with food and drink, and a legendary buffet breakfast. Crystals are gifted in the opening ceremony. There's a warmth in our beautiful hand crafted barn - not solely from the underfloor heating.

We all know that costs of pretty much everything have risen considerably - over the past three years especially. We struggle with the idea of putting prices up but feel that what we offer is tremendous value in so many ways. The early bird price will be available until the end of July

We are immensely grateful for your ongoing support of our events.